Goan festivals are culinary feasts of their own, each serving as an occasion to indulge in the tastiest of foods. One such gastronomical delight is Christmas in Goa. It’s a much anticipated day that witnesses streets lighting up, cribs being set up and bakeries opening pre-orders for the local sweets. Most Goans also put together a box of their homemade delicacies and share it amongst their neighbours and friends. Known as the kusavr, this traditional Goan sweet platter is one of the most beautiful things you will see on Christmas morning.
While Bebinca or Serradura are well-known, here are some unique Goan Christmas Sweets you should consider picking up on your next visit to Goa.

As fun as the name sounds, the kulkuls are tiny curled delights with a subtle sweet aftertaste. Their crunch and flavours will make you reach for a handful and munch it all with no regrets. Making kulkuls requires a lot of patience since each piece has to be hand-rolled. Moreover, it has to be pretty which adds to the work. Usually, the women of a village will come together to prepare kulkuls and design them using a fork. Sometimes, the kulkuls are also glazed with sugar syrup for a candied flavour. Kormolas are similar to kulkuls but have different shapes and designs. Find the recipe video here.

Nothing completes winter better than a hot piece of Baathk. This Goan Christmas sweet is a cake made from a mix of semolina and coconut giving it an aromatic taste and a subtle chewy texture. Since the process requires about 6-8 hours of waiting for the batter to sit, making Baathk also requires plenty of patience and time. However, Goans make it all year round because it pairs perfectly with a steaming hot cup of chai. Next time you visit a Goan bakery, especially during Christmas, don’t forget to grab a piece or two.

A decadent delicacy originating from Indonesia, dodol is famous in most parts of South Asia. While Indonesian Muslims prepare this sweet for Eid, it is found in the homes of most Goan Catholics during Christmas. Dodol has a soft, jelly-like texture and a subtly bitter-sweet taste. It’s made using only three ingredients – palm jaggery, coconut milk, and rice flour – which give it its distinct flavours and textures. With dodol, you either gulp down a plateful in one sitting or stop at the first bite.

The Goans have mastered the art of creating multiple textures and flavours from the same ingredients. The pinagr is a popular Goan Christmas sweet made with rice flour, palm jaggery, and coconut, the same as the ingredients that go into a dodol. The rice is toasted, and its flour is mixed with the rest and rolled into tiny cylinders. This flavour bomb has a powdery texture and a subtly spiced sweetness that packs quite the punch in every bite. Also known as Pinaca, this Goan sweet is worth every bite.

The Perad is a Goan Christmas sweet, guava-flavoured chewy candy that has its fan following. This delicacy goes to show how Indian festivals have always been in sync with nature. Guavas are usually harvested around November- December and they always make it to the Christmas kusavr. Making Perads requires patience and skill, primarily because the batter needs to be stirred continuously on heat. However, the end product rewards all your effort as the succulent candy melts in your mouth.
Other mentions –
Apart from that, if you are lucky enough to receive a Christmas kusavr or are invited to eat one, you will find a handful of other sweets. Amongst these are the almond-based delights called Marzipan, a coconut barfi called Kokad, a variant of the kulkul called Kormola, candied tender coconut called Gons, deep-fried pastries with coconut filling called Neureos, fudgy sweets called doce and Rose cookies. Rest assured you will be floating in food heaven by the end of Christmas day.
Final Thoughts
If you are planning to visit Goa during Christmas, there is nothing better than exploring the delicacies of the season. The streets light up, there is a contagious cheer floating in the air and, you have mulled wine to beat the cold. Nothing brings the state together better than the local Goan festivals and Christmas in Goa should not be missed.
Can’t find the best bakeries in Goa to enjoy the Goan Christmas sweets?
Bakery hopping is fun during Christmas in Goa and we can help you with the lesser-known local hotspots.
Check out our Instagram for some tips and keep an eye out for some other exciting events. Soul Travelling also conducts a Secret Food Trail that takes you through some quaint and traditional bakeries in Panjim. Don’t forget to post your stories of Christmas in Goa and tag us!