Goan Village Tours

Tranquility is the essence of rural tourism that one is sure to find in village visits. Exploring rural India is bliss. It’s an altered experience from urban life. 

We always insist on the fact that there is no better way to understand a place, its people and the local culture than getting to know it from the locals themselves.

Goan villages channel abundance of serenity. Dive into the rural part of Goa and discover a whole new world.

Take in the True Country Life 

Take in the peaceful atmosphere of the Goan villages. Discover the ease and allure of country living, which makes a striking contrast to the bustling of cities.

Traditional Goan Culture

Ask the locals about traditional Goan customs and rituals. Village visits provide an exceptional chance to observe customs, celebrations, and everyday activities that characterize the way of life in the area

Discover beautiful Landscapes and natural Beauty

Savor the verdant foliage and scenic vistas that the Goan villages have to offer. These tranquil environments offer the ideal setting for a restful and revitalizing encounter.

Taste Regional Foods

Savor regional cuisine cooked by native Goans. A common feature of village excursions is a culinary stop where you can sample home-cooked meals prepared with ingredients that are acquired locally and freshly.



Exploring Goan Village Life: Village Tours with Soul Travelling

Sun-kissed beaches, a bustling nightlife, and Portuguese architecture are frequently associated with Goa. Beyond its coastal charm, though, is a wealth of rural beauty and cultural diversity just waiting to be discovered. You may explore the customs, heritage, and allure of Goa's rural areas by taking a village trip with Soul Travelling, which provides a close-up look at Goan village life. Let's explore these three distinct trails: 2 Faces of Goa (Rachol and Shiroda), Saligao Passai, and Sankhli - A Rustic Village Experience.

Saligao Passai: Unveiling the Hidden Gems

North Goa's charming village of Saligao is frequently eclipsed by its more active neighbors. Nonetheless, Soul Travelling's Saligao Passai route reveals this tranquil area's undiscovered beauties. On this village tour, you will see typical Goan houses with their unique architecture, beautiful foliage, and local chapels that are a reminder of the country's colonial heritage as you meander down small, twisting alleyways.

Sankhli: A Rustic Village Experience

Enter Sankhli (Sanquelim), a community that embodies the rustic beauty of rural Goa to the fullest. With this rural tour, you may take a step back in time and discover the peace and simplicity of traditional Goan village life. Sankhli has a lot to offer in terms of experiences, from picturesque scenery to historic temples.

2 Faces of Goa: Rachol and Shiroda

The 2 Faces of Goa route investigates the complementing and contrasting elements of Rachol and Shiroda, two unique communities. This village trip highlights the distinctive characteristics of each hamlet, offering a fuller knowledge of Goa's diverse cultural landscape.

Rachol: A Blend of History and Religion

History buffs will find paradise in Rachol because of its historical significance. The Rachol Fort, which provides a window into Goa's colonial past, and the Rachol Seminary, one of the biggest and oldest seminaries in Asia, are located in the settlement.

Shiroda: A Village with Vibrant Traditions

Shiroda, on the other hand, is known for its vibrant traditions and festivals. The village is a cultural hub, with local fairs and traditional performances that offer a lively contrast to Rachol’s historical aura.


Village tours with Soul Travelling are immersive experiences that help you get to know Goa's essence; they're not just excursions. Every route gives a different viewpoint on Goan village life, whether you are exploring the various sides of Rachol and Shiroda, strolling through the serene alleyways of Saligao, or basking in the rustic charm of Sankhli. So gather your belongings and embark on a quest to find the undiscovered beauties of Goa's countryside.