Safarnama - A Evening of Travel Tales and More

At Soul Travelling we believe that every adventure has a tale worth telling. For this, we've developed Safarnama, a special gathering place for travelers that features travel-themed poetry, storytelling, dance, and music. Safarnama is the ideal platform for sharing experiences with a community that cherishes and celebrates the spirit of adventure, whether you've hiked through the mountains, traveled across oceans, or simply discovered the hidden jewels of your hometown. Imagine an evening full of moving stories, beautiful poetry that encapsulates the spirit of travel, and the rhythmic beats of dance and music that represent the variety of cultures we have encountered on our travels.

It's more than just an event; it's an icebreaker and team-building session meant to promote connections, develop relationships, and produce lifelong memories in a warmly lit, pleasant environment. Join us for this enchanted evening when each tale we share expands our collective yearning to see the world.

What to Expect from Safarnama

Every event at Safarnama is a one-of-a-kind experience that is molded by the contributions of our attendees. A glimpse of what you may come across is as follows:

Travel Stories: Get inspired and stoke your wanderlust by hearing amazing travel stories from other adventurers.
Travel Poems: Through the poetry words of ardent travelers, discover the beauty of travel.
Sound Therapy: Unstructured sound therapy sessions conducted by participants might help you unwind and revitalize.
Dance and Music: Savor impromptu dance and musical performances that showcase the various civilizations we have encountered throughout our travels.
Interactive Activities: Take part in a range of icebreakers and team-building exercises that promote unity and connection.


Highlights of the Event

Cozy Setup: Our space is meant to evoke a cozy, welcoming feeling that is ideal for interacting and sharing.

Warm Lighting: An evening of relaxation and intimacy is created by the ambient lighting.

Open Mic: Take the stage and entertain an enthusiastic audience with your own travel tales or poetry.

Interactive Activities: Take part in interactive exercises that foster camaraderie and team spirit.


Why Attend Safarnama?

Inspiration: Draw inspiration from the amazing tales and firsthand accounts of other travels.

Relaxation: Spend a calm, stress-free evening relaxing with sound therapy.

Connection: Create enduring relationships in a warm and inviting setting with people who share your interests.

Entertainment: Take in a night full of dance, music, and artistic expression.


Join Us:

Come and be a part of Safarnama, where every story finds a listener, every song finds a rhythm, and every moment becomes a cherished memory. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just starting your journey, Safarnama is the perfect place to share, connect, and be inspired.